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Ways to Increase Testosterone Levels Naturally

Optimal testosterone levels are important for libido, muscle growth and distribution of body fat. While men’s testosterone levels decline naturally with age, there are dietary and lifestyle adjustments that can help you boost testosterone levels.

A diet rich in whole foods and lean protein can support healthy testosterone levels. In addition, a low-stress lifestyle and regular exercise are critical for boosting testosterone.

1. Eat Right

Testosterone is important for many reasons, including regulating your sex drive, helping to burn fat and build muscle, maintaining healthy bones and red blood cell levels, and keeping stress hormones like cortisol in check. (2)

Eating a Mediterranean-style diet, high in low-glycemic, unsaturated fats and fiber can improve your testosterone. Also, try adding in cruciferous veggies (such as kale, brussel sprouts, cabbage, watercress and daikon) and omega-3 fatty acids like those found in salmon.

Bananas are fortified with Vitamin B6, Vitamin C and potassium, which can boost testosterone levels. They also contain an enzyme called bromelain. Other foods that promote testosterone include ginger, pomegranate, egg yolk and plant-based fortified milk. Avoid alcohol, as it can lower testosterone by messing with your body’s hormone production process.

2. Exercise

The good news is that exercise can improve overall health and help you lose weight, which may help boost testosterone levels. However, not all exercises have the same effect on testosterone, and the most effective exercise to increase your testosterone is a combination of cardio and strength training, mehr lesen.

One study found that men who did high-intensity sprint workouts boosted testosterone more than those who ran at a steady pace. In addition, researchers at the University of Nebraska Medical Center found that lifting heavy weights for fewer repetitions (like six to 12 reps) and targeting large muscle groups boosted short-term testosterone more than other types of workouts.

Just make sure to hydrate and consume enough calories to fuel your body, as being underfed can suppress the production of testosterone. In addition, getting enough vitamin D can also help.

3. Get Enough Sleep

Testosterone levels peak during sleep, so getting a good night’s rest is crucial. Aim for 7 or 8 hours every night. A lack of sleep can decrease testosterone by 15%.

Getting enough sleep may help prevent low testosterone levels, as well as other health conditions. In addition, eating a balanced diet that includes healthy fats, fruits, and vegetables is also important.

Oysters are a common food known as an aphrodisiac, but there’s more to them than that. They’re also rich in zinc, which is necessary for healthy testosterone production.

Testosterone is vital for men’s health, but it can decline as men age. Making certain lifestyle changes can increase testosterone naturally, promoting healthy aging and boosting performance. Talk to your integrative medicine doctor about ways to bolster hormonal wellness.

4. Avoid Alcohol

Testosterone is a key male sex hormone that plays a vital role in growth and development, healthy aging, and sexual function. While low levels of this hormone can occur for a variety of reasons, a number of lifestyle practices can naturally increase suboptimal levels and alleviate the symptoms associated with low testosterone (Mulhall, 2018).

Eating a diet rich in whole foods can promote natural testosterone production. This includes consuming plenty of vegetables and fruits, whole grains, and lean protein, along with moderate amounts of healthy fats. Reducing alcohol intake can also help boost testosterone. This is because alcoholic beverages can lower the body’s levels of LH, which stimulates testosterone production.

Finding ways to reduce stress is another important factor in boosting testosterone levels. This could include meditation, deep breathing exercises, or simply scheduling time for yourself each day to relax.

5. Take Supplements

Testosterone levels naturally decline with age, but there are ways to slow and even reverse this. Diet and lifestyle changes can help, including getting enough sleep, exercising regularly, avoiding alcohol, and taking supplements that can improve testosterone levels.

For example, vitamin D and magnesium are essential for normal testosterone production. The best way to get these is through diet, especially foods like salmon and eggs.


Other helpful nutrients include zinc, which is found in tuna and chicken. Another good source of this nutrient is fortified low-fat milk. Then there’s ashwagandha, an adaptogen that reduces stress and increases testosterone and sperm quality. It’s also an ingredient in many of the best testosterone supplements on the market. These supplements can boost libido, increase muscle growth, and lead to better overall health.

George Martin Administrator

George Martin is a business consultant born in New York City. He is very talented and never got 2nd except for the 1st place in school and college life. His dream was to own a business firm. So, he never applied for a job. In 2009, he opened a consultanting firm. He completed his graduation in International Business and Finance at Fordham University. Traveling is his favorite hobby and never missed to make a trip with his family to a new place every month.